Manageable services


  • Operate background services remotely (Start, Stop, Invoke Job…)
  • Load background service as as plugin dynamically
  • Monitor service status
  • Custom service logging


We provide ServiceManager service to manage and operate IManagedService instances and Web API to access it.

Background service sequence diagram

using Juice.BgService.Management;
using Juice.BgService.Extensions.Logging;
using Juice.Extensions.Options.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// see Logging section


// optional use separated appsettings file for background service file store.

var pluginPaths = new string[]
    // plugin absolute paths

// Optional plugins
builder.Services.AddPlugins(options =>
    options.AbsolutePaths = pluginPaths;
    options.ConfigureSharedServices = (services, sp) =>

// required for web api
var app = builder.Build();


We provide Juice.BgService.ServiceBase that contains a number of abstract services that you can inherit.

  1. BackgroundService

This abstract service contains only basic methods that can be managed by ServiceManager, so you can implement anything in your service by overriding the ExecuteAsync() method.

  1. ScheduledService

This abstract service is processed according to the schedule options, so you can schedule something to be done by overriding the InvokeAsync() method.

The ScheduledServiceOptions has Frequencies options to scheduling a task (we can add one or more Frequency):

  • RunOnStartup: if false, you must start service manually.
  • Occurs: (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Once)
  • Daily: describes daily schedule if the Occurs is set to Daily
    • RecursEvery: service will recurs after number of days
    • OccursOnceAt: if specified, the InvokeAsync method will be called once at specified time after every RecursEvery day(s).
    • OccursEvery: if no OccursOnceAt is specified, the InvokeAsync method will be called after every specified interval (30s by default), in the working time and recurs after every RecursEvery day(s).
    • StartingAt: describes the start time of work during the day
    • Duration: describes working time of the day
  • Weekly: describes weekly schedule if the Occurs is set to Weekly. It is almost the same as the Daily frequency above but has differences:
    • RecursEvery: service will recurs after number of weeks
    • OnDays: describes the days of the week on which the service will execute
    • StartOfWeek: describes the first day of the week Ex: If the schedule is { RecursEvery: 2, OnDays: [Mon, Wed, Fri], StartOfWeek: Tue } and today is Saturday of the week of execution, the next execution will be next Monday. After that, the service will await for 2 weeks.
  • Monthly: describes monthly schedule if the Occurs is set to Monthly. It is almost the same as the Daily frequency above but has more options:
    • RecursEvery: service will recurs after number of months
    • OnDay: service will only be performed on this day of the month (optional)
    • DayOfWeek: service will only be performed on this day of the week, combined with On to specify the day in month (Ex: the third Friday of month)
    • On: (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last) describes the week in month
    • SpecialDay: (Day, Weekday, Weekend), combined with On to specify the special day in month (Ex: the last weekend of month)
  1. FileWatcherService

This abstract service will monitor the file changes and invoke these methods:

  • OnFileRenamedAsync
  • OnFileDeletedAsync
  • OnFileReadyAsync

You will override these method to handle yourself.

Service repository

We are implemented a default service repository based on configuration. You can call UseFileStore(configurationSection) to use it, or implement a repository yourself.

The sample source code is available on github.

The library can be accessed via Nuget: