If you are trying to develop a multi-tenant application, you may need to access the tenant configuration. So we provide ITenantsConfiguration interface to access tenant configuration and a default JSON configuration source that will read configuration from {ConfigurationDirectory}/tenants/{TenantIdentifier}/{FileName}.
public interface ITenantsConfiguration : IConfiguration
The ITenantsConfiguration is inherited from IConfiguration. So after registering the service on application startup you can inject it and use like IConfiguration.
using Juice.Extensions.Configuration;
// register service and configuration source to access
// {WorkingDirectory}/tenants/{TenantIdentifier}/appsettings.Development.json
NOTE: It requires ITenant service
You can also implement ITenantsConfigurationSource interface to use a custom configuration source like DB, gRPC…
The library can be accessed via Nuget:
We also provide IConfigurationSection extension methods to get scalared config so you can access a dictionary configuration.
using Juice.Extensions.Configuration;
// appsettings.json
// "Options": {
// "Dict": {
// "A": 2,
// "B": false
// }
// }
services.Configure<ScalaredOptions>(options =>
var config = configuration.GetSection("Options").GetScalaredConfig<ScalaredOptions>();
if (config != null)
options.Dict = config.Dict;
The library can be accessed via Nuget: