Entity framework


We resolved Audit, UnitOfWork and dynamic schema problems with an abstract DbContext that implemented these interfaces:

  • IAuditableDbContext
  • IUnitOfWork
  • IScehmaDbContext

We’ll explain these interfaces below, but remember to call ConfigureServices( serviceProvider ) for your legacy DbContext in two ways:

  • Inside constructor
    // call inside constructor
    public TimerDbContext(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, DbContextOptions<TimerDbContext> options)
        : base(options)
  • Or inside context factory if you are using pooled DbContext
    public class TimerDbContextScopedFactory : IDbContextFactory<TimerDbContext>

        private readonly IDbContextFactory<TimerDbContext> _pooledFactory;
        private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

        public TimerDbContextScopedFactory(
            IDbContextFactory<TimerDbContext> pooledFactory,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            _pooledFactory = pooledFactory;
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

        public TimerDbContext CreateDbContext()
            var context = _pooledFactory.CreateDbContext();
            return context;

Then register PooledDbContext

    services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<TimerDbContext>((serviceProvider, options) =>
        // configure DB options

    services.AddScoped(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<TimerDbContextScopedFactory>().CreateDbContext());


The abstract class DbOptions contains:

  • DatabaseProvider
  • ConnectionName
  • Schema
  • JsonPropertyBehavior: (UpdageCHANGES, UpdateALL)

The DbOptions<T> class derived from DbOptions will specify a DbContext type that it is used for.


  • IModificationInfo: the inheritance model will be updated the ModifiedUser, ModifiedDate every changes
  • ICreationInfo: the inheritance model will be updated the CreatedUser, CreatedDate on creation
  • IRemovable: the inheritance model will be updated the RemovedUser, RemovedDate or RestoredUser, RestoredDate depend on IsRemoved value changed
  • IAuditable: the inheritance model will be fired data AuditEvent every changes


  • Notice: the class that has this attribue will be fired DataEvent on specified changes

Working process

Database context classes derived from DbContextBase will:

  • Try configure User infomation by get from HttpContext if exists
  • Set the _options if there is an instance of DbOptions<YourDbContext> was registered
  • Set the Schema if it is specified in _options
  • Before call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync of original DbContext class
    • Track changes and update to PendingAuditEntries
    • Set basic audit info (CreatedUser/ModifiedUser/CreatedDate/ModifiedDate) into ICreationInfo and IModificationInfo entity model
  • Call base.SaveChanges() or base.SaveChangesAsync()
  • After call base methods
    • Send domain events collected from entities that inherit IAggregrateRoot interface
    • Dispatch PendingAuditEntries to notice DataEvent through MediatR


We provide IAuditableDbContext interface and its extensions to track changes, update audit columns, and finally, dispatch data change events.

    public interface IAuditableDbContext
        List<AuditEntry>? PendingAuditEntries { get; }

        string? User { get; }

Database context classes derived from IAuditableDbContext will:

  • Set User info when init context instance.
  • Before call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync of original DbContext class
    • Track changes and update to PendingAuditEntries
    • Set basic audit info (CreatedUser/ModifiedUser/CreatedDate/ModifiedDate) into auditable entity model
  • Dispatch PendingAuditEntries to notice DataEvent through MediatR after called SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync, so you can handle DataEvent to process audit records.

There are two ways to designate an entity type as auditable:

  1. Inherit from IAuditable interface
    using Juice.Domain;
    public class Content: IAuditable{
  1. Use fluent API IsAuditable()

If your entity does not contain basic audit info properties (CreatedUser/ModifiedUser/CreatedDate/ModifiedDate) you can not access them but these columns are still available in your DB table.

    using Juice.EF.Extensions;
    public class ContentDbContext: DbContextBase{
        protected override void ConfigureModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            modelBuilder.Entity<Content>(options =>
                options.ToTable(nameof(Content), Schema);

You can see Audit service for more details.


This interface has only one purpose which is support to migrating the DBContext with an optional schema. After running Add-Migration command, you must modify the generated migration file to customize the schema.

    using Juice.EF;
    public partial class InitEventLog : Migration
        private readonly ISchemaDbContext _schema;

        public InitEventLog() { }

        // add one more constructor to inject ISchemaDbContext service
        public InitEventLog(ISchemaDbContext schema)
            _schema = schema;
        protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
                name: _schema.Schema);

                name: "IntegrationEventLog",
                schema: _schema.Schema,
                columns: table => new

You also need to replace the original IMigrationsAssembly with DbSchemaAwareMigrationAssembly in DbContextOptionsBuilder

    using Juice.EF.Migrations;
    services.AddDbContext<IntegrationEventLogContext>(options =>
        options.ReplaceService<IMigrationsAssembly, DbSchemaAwareMigrationAssembly>();


You can read more about Unit of Work before continue. We define an IUnitOfWork interface to easy to work with DbContext transaction.

    public interface IUnitOfWork
        IDbContextTransaction? GetCurrentTransaction();

        bool HasActiveTransaction { get; }

        Task<IDbContextTransaction?> BeginTransactionAsync();

        Task CommitTransactionAsync(IDbContextTransaction transaction);

        void RollbackTransaction();


This abstract class has similar behaviors to DbContextBase above but added TenantInfo so we can pass tenant to DB or filter data by tenant. It is a bit different from the official MultiTenantDbContext from Finbuckle: it still works even though TenantInfo can not be resolved.

Cross-tenant entity type

Sometimes we maybe want to have entities that can be shared from the Root tenant and accessible to other tenants (Ex: settings, users…). So we provide an extension to describe an entity as cross-tenant.

// IdentityDbContext.cs
using Juice.MultiTenant.EF.Extensions;

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // configure any type that has Multitenant attribute
    // describe that User is cross tenant

What exactly does it do?

  • Marks the entity with the shadown property TenantId, but it is not required
  • Entity settings to filter data that does not have a TenantId value or a TenantId value that matches TenantInfo
  • Some special settings affect to Identity entity types
    • IdentityUser<>: replace the index of column NormalizedUserName with the new index associated with TenantId
    • IdentityRole<>: replace the index of column NormalizedName with the new index associated with TenantId
    • IdentityUserLogin<>: replace the primary key with new Id column and then add an combined index of LoginProvider, ProviderKey and TenantId


The library can be accessed via Nuget: