
Mutable Options

To change options in the application, we can use IOptionsMutable<T> interface:

    public interface IOptionsMutable<out T> : IOptionsSnapshot<T> where T : class, new()
        // Update T field by field
        Task<bool> UpdateAsync(Action<T> applyChanges);

To use IOptionsMutable<T> we must also register some required services.

    using Juice.Extensions.Options.DependencyInjection;
    // your changed options will be write to {WorkingDirectory}/appsettings.Development.json

    // OR separated appsettings file for strongly typed
    // services.UseOptionsMutableFileStore<Options>($"appsettings.Separated.Development.json");

    // configure your Options class before use

After that, we can inject IOptionsMutable<Options> and use it like IOptionsSnapshot<Options>. We can also call UpdateAsync method to update options.

    var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptionsMutable<Options>>();
    await options.UpdateAsync(o => {
        //o.Something = "something else";

Per-tenant Options

Use ITenantsOptions<T> to access per-tenant configured options.

    // Per-tenant options snapshot
    public interface ITenantsOptions<T> : IOptionsSnapshot<T> where T : class, new()

We will register tenant configuration services to use per-tenant options accessor.

    using Juice.Extensions.Options.DependencyInjection;

    // register tenant configuration services

    // configure typed options


    // use ITenantsOptions like IOptionsSnapshot
    var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ITenantsOptions<Options>>();

NOTE: It requires ITenant service

Per-tenant Mutable Options

This is combined of per-tenant options and mutable options.

    public interface ITenantsOptionsMutable<T> : ITenantsOptions<T>, IOptionsMutable<T>
        where T : class, new()
    using Juice.Extensions.Options.DependencyInjection;

    // register tenant configuration services

    // register multi-tenant mutable configuration source

    // configure multi-tenant mutable options


    // use ITenantsOptionsMutable like IOptionsSnapshot
    var options = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ITenantsOptionsMutable<Options>>();

    // now we can update Options
    await options.UpdateAsync(o => {
        //o.Something = "something else";

NOTE: It requires ITenant service

The library can be accessed via Nuget: