
Include XML comments

This is a SwaggerGenOptions’ extension to include xml comments from referenced assemblies.

    using Juice.Extensions.Swagger;

    services.ConfigureSwaggerGen(c =>

The library can be accessed via Nuget:


To ignore model properties from Swagger document generator but keep it in serialized JSON, we implement ApiIgnoreAttribute and ISchemaFilter interface to remove properties those have ApiIgnoreAttribute from OpenApiSchema

    public class SwaggerIgnoreFilter : ISchemaFilter
        public void Apply(OpenApiSchema schema, SchemaFilterContext context)

Register filter into DI

    using Juice.Extensions.Swagger;

    // use default config

    // OR configure swagger yourself
    // services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
    // {
    //     ...
    //     c.SchemaFilter<SwaggerIgnoreFilter>();
    // });

The library can be accessed via Nuget:

ApiIgnore attribute

This attribute is useful to Swagger skip generate API for specified properties when combined with the above SwaggerIgnoreFilter.

    using Juice.CompnentModel;
    public class ViewMode{
        public int OnlyAppearInJSON { get; set; }

The library can be accessed via Nuget: